HTTP/2 & gRPC — High-Performance RPC Framework

5 min readOct 22, 2022

In the previous two articles, we have seen HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 in depth. In this article, we will look at the basics of gRPC and its architecture.

gRPC is an open-source high-performance RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework which Google initially developed as a general-purpose RPC infrastructure to make interservice communication easier and more efficient.

gRPC is a great tool to implement service-to-service communication in a microservice world.

Two main reasons why gRPC is a high-performance framework

  1. The first reason for its high performance is the fact that it uses HTTP/2 for transportation. You know that HTTP/2 is lighter than HTTP/1.1(if you don’t please read this) as it better uses the Network bandwidth using the concept of streams.
  2. The second reason is, that gRPC uses Protocol Buffers for message exchange. The binary-based serialization/deserialization of Protocol Buffers is way faster than the conventional text-based JSON or XML serialization/deserialization.


In gRPC, as opposed to the HTTP request-response model, the client application directly calls a method on a server application. It is just like invoking a normal method on a local object but the method implementation is in a different application probably running on a different machine.

gRPC is based on the idea of a defining service. A…




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